DHCP - DORA Process
DHCP - DORA Process DORA DORA is the process that DHCP employs (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). It's used to provide clients/host machines with their IP addresses. It is divided into four phases and acquires the IP address from a centralized server. D-Discover O-Offer R-Request A-Acknowledgment [BROADCAST] DHCP Discover The first communication in the DORA Process is the Discover message, which is used to locate the DHCP Server in the network. The host will broadcast a Discover message over the network to locate a DHCP Server. is the packet address. Because the host does not have an IP address, the IP is currently PORTS [at the client - 68] / [at the server - 67]. The server will use the host's MAC Address to reach out to it. Transaction ID: which maintains the specific DHCP session between client-server, which remains the same during [discover + offer] ] the processes. [UNICAST] DHCP Offer When the server receives the Discover Req...